3 Tips to Create Search-Friendly Content

March 7, 2012 Published by ontarget


Icon shooting a letter with a slingshotAlmost anyone in marketing has heard of SEO but don’t know how to exactly make a search-friendly content. One expert, Lindsay Atkinson considered the clichéd saying “content is king” in a post at the Renegade Search blog. She said that “I can’t say that I’m a fan of using this relatively grating term, but I can definitely defend its power.” She adds “Having fresh and unique content is an increasingly important factor for ranking in the SERPs.” Is your content valuable to your customers?

3 Tip for search-friendly content

Here are three tips from Atkinson:

1. Establish high-quality information.When customers value your information and share it on social networks, then you can get a boost in your SEO ranking.

2. Focus on evergreen issues.

As Atkinson says, “[E]vergreen content not only drives more traffic to your site for a longer period of time, it also continues to be useful to readers as time passes.” Some content, like how- to guides, remains a significant resource for years, particularly if you avoid references with particular dates and events.

3. Arrange for simple consumption.

Online content is not read the same way we read newspapers or magazines. When confronted with one long paragraph after another on a Web page, most people simply hit the back button without reading any of it. Shoot for a target article length between 200-300 words (this article is in that range) and separate text with bullet points that can be easily checked. Make it short but informative and interesting. Atkinson stated that “[I] t’s best to easily display your content to enable the greatest number of views.”

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