7 Things that Big Brother and Digital Marketing Have in Common

The premise may seem crazy, but Big Brother and digital marketing strategies actually have a lot in common. They even share a similar prize: cold, hard cash. If you’re a big brother fanatic and a marketing guru, this blog post has been tailored just for you. You may even learn […]

July 26, 2017 Published by ontarget

A Guide to Internet Reputation Management

What’s a surefire (free) way to generate revenue for your business? Get great reviews from your customers! This guide will cover the factors needed to achieve a positive seller rating in Google, a breakdown of Google customer reviews, the basics of Google Consumer surveys, and ways you can use reviews […]

July 26, 2017 Published by ontarget

7 Reasons to Hire a Digital Marketing Agency

Alright so we’ll admit to having a bit of a bias here. In all honesty though, a digital marketing agency offers so many benefits over a full-time employee that we just had to share them. Even if you already have a marketing manager and just want an outside company to […]

July 20, 2017 Published by ontarget

Coding Advice From our Head of Website Development in Kansas City

Have you ever wanted to learn how to develop but felt intimidated by the amount of experience required? You’re not alone! This post should provide some guidance into the steps that go into website development in Kansas City (ie: making a web app, making a website, etc.), resources you can […]

July 19, 2017 Published by ontarget

The Ultimate Text Message Marketing Guide

With the boom of mobile marketing and the evolution of the mobile phone, you’re missing out on a goldmine of marketing potential if you haven’t jumped on the SMS text message marketing train. SMS stands for ‘short message service’ (aka text message), and it allows you to send a message of […]

July 13, 2017 Published by ontarget

How Schema Markups and Rich Snippets Can Drive Traffic

What is Schema Markup? Schema markup tells the search engines what each piece of your page means.  It helps identify whether your page contains images, a publisher, the author’s name, publish date, reviews etc. What are Rich Snippets? Schema markup works a lot like rich snippets, which allow Google to […]

July 3, 2017 Published by ontarget