What is SEO?

April 9, 2018 Published by ontarget
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimization, and it is the practice of increasing the quality and quantity of traffic to your website through organic search results. Though we often hear it in reference to Google, this term applies to all search engines (even Bing). The goal of SEO is to bring in traffic to your website, but not just any old traffic. Traffic in the form of people who are actually searching for what you offer. This inbound marketing technique draws in high-intent visitors, and plenty of them. Organic traffic is free of charge, but it requires a few essential parts: site structure, content creation and link development. Content Creations and Site Structure At the base of content creation and site structure is keyword research. In this step, SEO experts compile a list of keywords and phrases related to your brand that have a high number of monthly searches and a low competition score. These keywords are then used to establish page titles, determine site structure, form URLS, etc. They’re the magic juice that makes your content creation effective; By including these keywords within the text, H1 tag, alt-tag and more, you ensure your high-quality content is ranked appropriately. Including external and internal links can help spread authority among your site and ensure the little pages earn high rankings as well. Conducting website audits can help pick out elements that might be slowing down your pages or creating errors, two factors that can hinder your rankings. Backlinks In its own category is backlinking, an SEO tactic that requires the most creativity. A backlink is any link (cannot be ‘rel=nofollow’) in or on a website page that points or ‘links’ back to your website/page. These backlinks can be gained through guest blog posts, quality content that’s worth sharing, sponsorships and more. The best backlinks are ones that comes from sites with high domain and trust scores. We use certain online tools to determine what backlinks you already have, what their worth is in relation to your ranking, and what sites would be beneficial to target for backlinks. Backlinks tell search engines that your site is reputable, making them one of the most important ranking factors.

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