WordPress: The World Leading Content Management System

May 22, 2013 Published by ontarget

To anyone working in an internet dominated field, WordPress is largely familiar territory. As the world’s leading Content Management System and now powering a staggering 17% of the Web, the statistics don’t show any sign of that trend slowing down any time soon. As large as the Web is these days, it’s practically imperative to have a CMS Website, especially as a business or entrepreneur- but why?

wordpress-logo1There are many benefits to using a CMS. Using a CMS allows for easy updating to the website, without having to contact your website’s designer even for the smallest updates. It gives the company more control over their site, among other things, including better statistical reporting and optimization (to name a few.)  While WordPress is our personal favorite, others include Joomla, Drupal, and Magento.  We’re not alone in thinking of WordPress as the best content management system available, either- WordPress outnumbers  Joomla and Drupal combined 10-1 in the UK. With over 19,000 free plugins available to enhance your WordPress website, it’s easy to see why a majority of the top blogs (as ranked by Technorati) currently utilize WordPress themselves.

http_kansasgirlscouts.org_A common misconception about WordPress CMS is that it’s only good for use on blogs, or magazine style sites. This couldn’t be farther from the truth, in all actuality. In fact, 22 of every 100 domains created in the US are running WordPress as their CMS.  Some of the most well known brands and companies which utilize WordPress include Smashing Magazine, Reader’s Digest, Katy Perry, Girl Scouts of Kansas Heartland, The Rolling Stones, and more. There have been 98 versions of WordPress released since it’s creation. David Karp, the 26 year old CEO of Tumblr– which he just sold to Google for big bucks- even said the original versions of Tumblr were built on WordPress. It seems that everywhere you look, no matter what industry, country, language or time zone- there’s always a little WordPress nearby, whether you recognize it or not.

Interested in getting a new website yourself? Contact us today. (Bonus: we’re WordPress fanatics!)

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Sources:  http://wp.smashingmagazine.com/2013/05/15/migrate-existing-website-to-wordpress/http://www.computercourage.com/wordpress/popular-sites-that-use-wordpress/ | http://wplifeguard.com/wordpress-is-the-emerging-monopoly-in-cms-infographic/

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