Local Marketing with Internet and Marketing Tactics

LOCAL MARKETING with SMS TEXT, EMAIL, MOBILE, LOCAL SEARCH   Local marketing includes several different Internet and mobile marketing tactics.  This article summarizes the list of local marketing initiatives.  People in general want to belong to something and want to be treated special.  Local marketing gives that customer the idea […]

November 18, 2011 Published by ontarget

Top 10 Local Search Tips

LOCAL SEARCH, GOOGLE PLACES, LOCAL PPC As the search landscape continues to change, we have put together a list of local search tips that will help you get started on the path to local search success.  Enjoy, and feel free to leave comments, suggestions or more tips for readers. 1. Claim […]

November 2, 2011 Published by ontarget

5 Steps to Creating a Marketing Plan

Creating a marketing plan can be accomplished in these 5 easy steps. 1. Align marketing with customer behavior It’s well documented and widely known that the industrial and technical audience has migrated to the Web to search for suppliers, products, and services. Online marketing programs offer you the best opportunities […]

October 27, 2011 Published by ontarget

How to Develop a Content Strategy

CONTENT MARKETING STRATEGY Content is still King.  This is one fact that everyone agrees on. In fact, it may even be more important today than it was in the past. According to the GlobalSpec Industrial Buy Cycle Survey, 83% of buyers review up to three pieces of content before making […]

October 27, 2011 Published by ontarget

How can I use Internet Marketing? – Part 1

Frequently, clients ask how to effectively use internet marketing.  Let’s first look at some statistics.  Research shows that people spend almost as much time on the Internet as they do watching TV.  However, advertising spend for the Internet is one third of that spent on TV.  Internet is still a […]

September 19, 2011 Published by ontarget

Google Places (Now Google Business)

ONLINE LOCAL MARKETING with Google Business Local searchers and local businesses will see a fairly substantially different Business Page the next time they’re poking around Google Maps/Business. The company announced a new look and promises more changes to come. This is just the start of what looks like Google’s new […]

July 28, 2011 Published by ontarget